Early Dance

Parent/Child Creative Movement

Future Stars • Ages 1-3

Enjoy movement, music, and fun while learning the elements of dance. Explore the ways in which we move in a creative learning environment. Everyone should be ready to move in comfortable clothing and bare feet. Parents must participate. You may register up to two children with one adult. The parent and each child attending this class need to be registered students of the class.

First Dance Class

Shooting Stars • Ages 2-4

Get a jump-start on your skills by learning the fundamental elements of dance. Students will be taught beginning steps and classroom etiquette through dance exercises and a variety of movement based games.  This class is taught to young children who are ready for dance lessons without a parent. Wear comfortable clothing (dance attire optional).

Come take

Hip-Hop Tap Jazz Acro Ballet classes with us

Come take Hip-Hop Tap Jazz Ballet Acro classes with us!

We offer classes for all levels and ages

Try a FREE

Urban Tap Jazz Acro Ballet Class

Try a FREE Urban Tap Jazz Acro Ballet Class

We offer classes for all levels and ages. Contact us to get started with your free trial.

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